Sarada Vidyalayam was started in 1992. Through this school, MSMF was able to provide quality education blended with human values, discipline and extra- curricular activities. The students of Sarada Vidyalayam come from very poor families and would not otherwise get any education. What was then a primary school has now become a high school with instruction up to grade ten. In addition, MSMF recently established a vocational school to train youth in various trades. It is anticipated that about 100 youth will be trained at this school and the training they receive will provide employment to rural youth and reduce the need for migration to already crowded cities.
Over 1,900 children have passed through Sarada Vidyalayam and over 300 scholarships have been offered to those pursuing higher education. The education and training at the school have been very effective as is evidenced by the fact that no one dropped out of the school and more are pursuing post-secondary education. An attendant benefit is that the children influence their families to change their habits in general behavior, discipline, personal hygiene and general attitude towards community.
All this has been possible with your generous support. The graduating students are now engineers, microbiologists, teachers and are making important contributions to the society and more importantly, returning to their roots to help newer generation of students. The torch is passed on to a very new generation of students.
– S. Eswar Prasad